The Chariot is the bimonthly newspaper of New Hyde Park Memorial High School. It transitioned from paper distribution to a digital publication following the COVID pandemic. It is our mission to inform the New Hyde Park community about important information occurring within the student body and the world around us. We also serve as a platform where students can positively express their interest in journalism and school-related news.
Students interview members of the New Hyde Park community and link external sources from which they reference information in articles to ensure credible information is provided. Opinions in the paper do not necessarily reflect those of the NHP faculty, staff, administration or the community as a whole.
The Chariot is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, achieving Gold Medalist Status.
Articles are lightly edited to maintain professionalism and bylines are dedicated to the individual(s) who submitted the published article.
Any corrections can be sent using the Google Form link located at the bottom of the website and will be corrected using an editor’s note.
Staff members propose editorial topic ideas and the adviser approves them. Advertising is available at the applicable rates which can be found on the advertising page of The Chariot website.
Letters to the editor and guest articles from readers are welcome and encouraged. All letters can be sent on the website via the “Write a Letter to the Editor” located at the bottom of the website, typed, signed or sent to:
The Chariot, New Hyde Park Memorial High School, 500 Leonard Blvd, New Hyde Park, NY, 11040
Email: nhpchariotpaper@gmail.com
Instagram: @nhpchariot