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Survival Guide to Seventh Grade

By Julia Esposito & Olivia Tomalska

Seventh grade might look a little different this year, but there are still a few things that our seventh students should know that will help them out in the long run. First and foremost, New Hyde Park Memorial High School is a wonderful and welcoming place to be! If at first you are intimidated, that is completely normal. Coming into a new school with people who are almost adults may be scary, but you will find that it is not so bad. Students and teachers at NHP are really kind and genuinely good people.

Source by Sydney Hargrove, @sydneysscrapbook

With the school year being online, seventh graders are adapting and navigating a virtual world.

Tip #1: Find a good group of friends

Initially, a trick for getting rid of your “new school nerves” is to have a good group of friends. Whether they are there to help you study for a big test or to chat with you at lunch, a great group of friends makes everything so much easier. It is normal to feel reluctant to make new friends for fear of losing your old friends from elementary school. However, being friendly and well-acquainted with all of your peers is an exceptional way to conquer seventh grade.

Tip #2: Join clubs, extracurriculars and sports

It could be intimidating to go up to someone you do not know and ask them to be your friend, but clubs and sports make it a bit easier.

"Joining sports and clubs is the perfect way to meet people who have the same interests as you,” said eighth grader Alex Tomalska.

Don’t be discouraged if you are new to the sport or activity because the coaches and club advisors at NHP are extremely welcoming to newcomers. Remember, seventh grade is the perfect time to experiment with new activities, clubs, and sports so you have an idea of what you enjoy by the time you officially reach high school.

“Join clubs and try new sports, especially if you are new to the district! You will meet new people and it’s such a fun experience!” said eighth grader Alexa Geigle.

Tip #3: Find your way around

Back when you were in sixth grade, you were the big fish in a small pond. Now, you are the small fish in a big pond. It probably feels like kindergarten all over again when you do not know how to get from the main office to the library, or from a classroom to the nurse. It can be frustrating, but here is a little tip: if you are ever unsure on how to get to a specific room, there is almost always a little sign above the showcases that has room numbers and arrows pointing in the direction they are located. If you are still unsure, do not be afraid to ask a teacher or student in the hallway. Most students know exactly how you felt when they were in seventh grade, so they would most likely help you in a pinch.

Tip #4: Make a good impression and do your homework

Be punctual! Teachers notice when students are late, and it does not make a good impression if you are constantly coming in after the bell rings. You may realize that you are getting more homework than you did in elementary school. It can be quite the adjustment, but it is not impossible. Start with assessing what needs to get done the soonest and manage your time wisely.

“Do all your homework! In my seventh grade classes, we went over all of the homework in class, and they called on random people," said eighth grader Alyssa Sehn.

Another crucial tip for success is studying for your exams and assessments. It is a good idea to get in the habit of studying. That way, you will know all of the information you need to do well on the tests. Quizlet will become your best friend, especially when it comes down to language classes like Spanish, Italian, and French. There are usually pre-made vocabulary sets for each chapter of the textbook, so you do not even have to create them. The key to studying is practice, practice, practice!

Tip #5: Reach out and stay organized

Organization helps to keep track of assignments, tests, work, and so much more.

“Instill organization skills in your work habit because being organized is a key to success," said French teacher Mr. Pierre.

And finally, the last thing to remember is that getting used to this new environment will be challenging, but remember that someone is always there to help you, especially the teachers and staff. You can even reach out to an upperclassman if you would like some one-on-one tutoring, but make sure to communicate with your teachers because they are there to help. Never be afraid of asking questions in class.

Overall, you should never be afraid to ask for assistance. Asking never hurts you; it only benefits your understanding of homework and schoolwork.

Hopefully, this advice encouraged you to work harder in school, put yourself out there, and join a club or sport that you are passionate about. No matter what, you are going to be fine. If things seem stressful right now, just know that you will get used to school in no time, and problems that you may face now will be resolved before you know it.


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