By Alvin Paul
On Friday, May 13, senior PE Leaders from NHP visited New Hyde Park Road School as a part of the school’s “Fitness Friday” event. Ms. Rudd, the gym teacher for the Road School, ran a “Wellness Week” in order to promote healthy habits to the elementary schoolers.
During the visit, the leaders participated in various activities with the students, some of which were jump rope, double dutch and a basketball relay.
Planning the visit started a month in advance. Ms. Rizzuti communicated with Ms. Rudd to set everything up and ensure it went smoothly.
There was overwhelmingly positive feedback following the visit, with it being a great experience for the leaders involved.
“We were thrilled to be an older role model for these kids to look up to,” senior leader Eric Orbon said.
The younger students were also very involved in the event and enjoyed the company of the upperclassmen, as well as the chance for some friendly competition.
“The students from the Road School loved interacting with the senior leadership students,” gym teacher Ms. Rizzuti said.
Aside from the physical activities the students participated in, the leaders also talked with the Road School students about the importance of healthy habits and exercise, as well as how they can benefit someone in the long term.

Source from Mr. Patrick Maguire
Senior leaders Muskaan Kapoor, Nicholas DePompeis, Steven Mirabile, Emily Mirabile, Sara Hopkins, Meghan Korzevinski, Eric Orbon, Samantha Chang, Amal Kayani and Briana Dunn say farewell while receiving appreciation from Road School.
For most of the NHP staff involved, the visit was a nice trip down memory lane since a lot of them had a connection to the school. Whether they went there for elementary school or had siblings or relatives currently attending, it was refreshing to be able to revisit a place that is held in high regard.
As for the future, the staff and administration have expressed an interest in planning more activities like this. Based on the reception, it is shared that a logical next step would be to bring senior leaders to the other elementary schools.
The NHP community is optimistic about this event continuing in the future, considering that many stand to benefit from an hour to enjoy themselves and revisit old memories.