By Marco Valle
Under the guidance and support of adviser Mr. Novak and social studies teacher Dr. Kowalczyk, 30 delegates from New Hyde Park attended the William and Mary High School Model United Nations Conference (WMHSMUN).
“The conference was an amazing experience,” social studies teacher Dr. Kowalczyk said. “Even though I’ve witnessed conferences before, to finally see the hard work and preparation put into the conference was an amazing experience. It was so heartwarming to see how passionate all 30 students are to Model UN,”.

Source by Marco Valle
WMHSMUN delegates display the awards they achieved, including Best Delegate, Honorable Delegate and Outstanding Large Delegation respectively.
This conference represented many unique experiences for NHP MUN. One such experience was when delegates took Amtrak from Moynihan Train Hall in New York City to Williamsburg, VA. This conference also contrasted from prior MUN conferences such that NHP students stayed at the Williamsburg Lodge and were bussed to the William and Mary campus each day as opposed to the conferences of the past where delegates slept and attended the conference in the same hotel.
NHP delegates spent Friday and Saturday debating topics such as asteroid mining, intellectual property and Elmo’s messed up world. Along with hours spent in committee, delegates had opportunities to tour the William and Mary Campus as well as doing activities provided by the hotel.
“Personally, I loved the away conference for many different reasons,” sophomore Theodora Doukas said. “I started talking with so many more kids in the club who I’ve never really spoken to before because we were at the conference together. Also, the conference itself was extremely interesting because it allowed me to debate in a totally different environment which was extremely nerve wracking but exciting at the same time.”

Source by Marco Valle
Many New Hyde Park Model UN delegates celebrate the completion of WMHSMUN and anticipate their next away conference at BOSMUN.
WMHSMUN allowed new and experienced delegates alike to discuss pressing issues in the world and allowed students to grow as a team.
"I went into this conference with the mindset of it being my last,” senior Varun Pillai said. “Honestly, it made me regret not being more involved with Model U.N. more in the past. This conference served as a reminder of everything Model UN has taught me over the years; the focus, the ability to deal with stress, and the ability to turn a negative situation into a positive one."
Under the leadership of senior head delegates, Fiona O’Reilly, Ethan Mehta and Grace Heskial, NHP MUN was awarded Outstanding Large Delegation for their performance in debate. New Hyde Park is scheduled to attend Boston University Model UN from February 2nd to February 4th.
“The opportunity to lead and be a member of such a wonderful team is such a privilege,” senior Ethan Mehta said. “It is truly the best community I have been a part of. Each delegate is so determined to put in their best work forward. The success we have had is indicative of that dedication. I am honored to be a leader in NHP MUN and anticipate BOSMUN!”
“The whole WMHSMUN trip was such a bittersweet experience for me, full of a range of emotions,” senior Grace Heskial said. “Being a part of Model UN has been such a blessing and I've gained so many great skills from it, ranging from public speaking skills to collaboration to diplomacy. To current and future delegates: stick with it - it's worth it!”
Best Delegate:
Senior Fiona O’Reilly, Now We’ve Got Bad Blood: Taylor Swift v. Ticketmaster
Grace Heskial, Futuristic UN Climate Change
Kaitlyn Bell, Word on the Street: Elmo’s Messed Up World
Pari Shah, Nothing Civil About War: United Nations Security Council
Rebecca John, Spaced Out
Sania Daniyal, United Arab Republic: The Renaissance of the Islamic Golden Age, 1959
Honorable Delegate:
Alexander Tomalski, Madness at Mount Etna: The Great Mafia War
Ethan Mehta, Ad Hoc
Nicole Donnelly, Rising Tides, Out of Time: The Sinking of Jakarta