By Dhara Patel and Nyelle Sarreal
The 2022 film “Smile” transforms the warm, heartfelt gesture of smiling into a new horror movie.
Directed by Parker Finn, the film showcases psychiatrist Dr. Rose Cotter after she experiences an incident that causes her life to spiral into paranoia and fear. Dr. Cotter witnesses abnormal sightings and activities. Members of the audience join Dr. Cotter’s journey as she needs to stay aware, clever and fearless to solve the problem at hand.

Source by Guneet Hanjra
Many students express the unease they feel because of the smiles depicted in the movie.
“Smile” uses imagery, providing the viewers with jumpscares and gory scenes that kept students entertained and yearning for more. Its plot demonstrates the consequences of unstable relationships and unresolved mental trauma.
“There were a few jumpscares, and the plot was confusing, but it made it interesting,” freshman Valentina Troia said. “The movie isn’t that horrifying, but it was a good thriller, and I recommend it to many people. If this movie was a reality, I would not survive the plot at all.”
Its guerilla-style marketing tactics have sparked conversation among many. The company has paid individuals to form huge, unsettling smiles and attend public events. For instance, many viewers of Major League Baseball games have noticed people’s smiles that were out of place in the front rows of stadiums. Some members of the audience are both puzzled and intrigued by this marketing concept. It enhances the likelihood that someone will view the film by attracting them with this unique advertising technique.
“I like the marketing techniques. It's unsettling, creepy and disturbing, which is what this movie is supposed to be. I wouldn't really want it carried out on any deeper level though,” science teacher Mr. D’Ammassa said.
Ultimately, “Smile” stirred the audience with its eccentric advertisements, creating a buzz for the movie.