By Linda Cheung
In an interview with People magazine, Tom Holland spoke about taking a break from acting to start a family. Despite Amy Pascal’s plan to release a new Spider-Man trilogy with him, Holland suggested the idea for a more diverse Spider-Man franchise, possibly containing a Spider-Gwen or a Spider-Woman. Although Holland is interested in producing more content within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he feels that it may be time to step down from his role as Peter Parker.

Source by Ashwathi Chemban
Holland is getting ready to move on after his long career.
Holland also stated in an interview with GQ magazine, “Maybe it is time for me to move on. Maybe what’s best for Spider-Man is that they do a Miles Morales film. I have to take Peter Parker into account as well because he is an important part of my life. If I’m playing Spider-Man after I’m 30, I’ve done something wrong.”
During his hiatus, Holland plans to start a family and get involved with projects beyond Hollywood. He mentioned that he likes the idea of being a father and would want to be a primary school teacher if he wasn’t an actor.
“I’ve spent the last six years so focused on my career. I want to take a break and focus on starting a family and figuring out what I want to do outside of this world,” Holland said in People magazine.
“It’s a little sad because his movies were very entertaining, but good to hear that he wants to focus on himself,” junior Max Zembera said.
With the amount of movies that Holland has been in during this past year, he only had a three-day break between filming “Uncharted” and “Spider-Man: No Way Home.” While filming multiple movies, Holland spent a couple of days on set in Atlanta while shooting “Avengers,” only to board a plane to London to film a different movie.
Due to the substantial effort that he has placed into his career through acting, interviews and press tours, Holland has faced recent bouts of illness. In a press tour in China for “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” he recalled feeling unwell after traveling across 17 countries.
Many of Holland’s fans speculate as to whether he will spend his break with Zendaya, especially since he talked about his desire for children in recent interviews. However, some fans feel as Zendaya is accumulating more roles, she won’t have time to settle down.
“I would say that it wouldn’t be a big problem to her career, as long as she is stable with him and they have each other’s back in this, then I don’t think it would be that much of a trouble, if they were to have children, they could always ask for help from their parents, and I don’t think a small break from acting would hurt her career,” sophomore Ysabel Valverde said.
Only time will tell what Holland decides to do, but his fans appreciate his contribution to the entertainment industry.