By Fiona O'Reilly
From February 9 through February 12, New Hyde Park Model United Nations attended Boston University’s high school Model United Nations conference, commonly known as BOSMUN. Approximately 30 NHP delegates, led by club adviser Jonathan Novak, spent the weekend debating topics such as counterterrorism, international law and more.

Source from Mr. Jonathan Novak
The NHP Model UN Club poses in front of Fenway Park on a sunny afternoon walk on their way to a Time Out Market in Boston.
For those who did not attend the Rutgers University Model UN Conference in November of 2022, this was their first in-person conference with NHP.
Model UN member and sophomore Allison Chen was asked about her opinions before BOSMUN.
“I’m excited about going to my first conference as well as a bit anxious. I’ve been trying to do a lot of research to prepare and make myself well-versed in the topic to feel less anxiety,” Chen said.
For others, BOSMUN was the second and last away conference of the year.
“Going into BOSMUN, I certainly have the same level of excitement I did going into RUMUN, if not more,” junior Safiya Hamdani said. “Being that I now have in-person conference experience, a large portion of the nerves that were present at Rutgers are gone.”

Source by Samarth Jani
NHP senior delegates are hard at work researching and writing speeches right before the first committee session starts.
Similarly, most NHP delegates felt that the club winning the best large delegation award at RUMUN made the stakes even higher for BOSMUN.
“I feel anxious because it is my last high school Model UN conference ever,” senior and Model UN vice president Brenda Bolouvi said. “I want to pursue Model UN in college so I want to do well in order to build my portfolio.”
“Attending the BOSMUN conference with this group of delegates was nothing short of a wonderful experience,” chaperone and social studies teacher Ms. Stack said. “The delegates worked tirelessly throughout the research process and their committee sessions to stand out amongst their fellow delegates. Hearing them give speeches, propose motions and pass resolutions in each of their committee sessions demonstrates their talent, commitment and dedication to Model UN!”
Throughout the weekend, the club brought home a total of 18 individual awards and the outstanding large delegation award for the entire conference, making the club two-for-two for this year’s conferences. In addition, this is the third delegation award NHPMUN has won in a row.

Source from Safiya Hamdani
All NHP delegates with Model UN adviser Jonathan Novak after a crazy delegate dance.
Senior Nikson Alex, Best Delegate in ADHOC
Junior Angelina Alias, Best Delegate in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Senior Ethan Siegel, Outstanding Delegate in JCC: Mary of Scots
Junior Brandon Noguera, Outstanding Delegate in Legal Committee
Junior Ethan Mehta, Outstanding Delegate in Jedi Council
Senior Rachel Houng, Honorable Delegate in SCOTUS
Senior Brenda Bolouvi, Honorable Delegate in United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Senior David Ren, Honorable Delegate in Antarctic Treaty
Junior Fiona O’Reilly, Honorable Delegate in JCC: Elizabeth I
Junior Guneet Hanjra, Honorable Delegate in Charter Committee
Junior Pari Shah, Honorable Delegate in World Meteorological Organization
Junior Grace Heskial, Honorable Delegate in African Union
Junior Kaitlyn Bell, Honorable Delegate in House of Representatives
Junior Safiya Hamdani, Honorable Delegate in International Olympic Committee
Sophomore Emilin George, Honorable Delegate in International Labor Organization
Junior Rebecca John, Best Position Paper for Commission on Science and Technology Advancement
Junior Varun Pillai, Best Position Paper for UN Climate Change Conference
Junior Alvin Paul, Best Position Paper for Egyptian Game of Thrones